The Role, Position And Rights Of The Ameer In Islam
Gleaned from the writings of our learned and pious elders
Our Nabi (sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam) said regarding obedience to the Ameer:
"He who obeys me has obeyed Allah; he who obeys my Ameer has obeyed me. He who disobeys me has disobeyed Allah; he who disobeys my Ameer, disobeys me" - Bukhari
He also said (sallallahu-alayhi-wasallam): "Hold fast to piety and hold fast to listening and rendering obedience, even if a negro slave was to be appointed as an Ameer over you" -
Abu Dawood
How necessary is it to obey the Ameer?
Hazrat Maulana Maseehullah (R) writes:
"Allah Ta'ala, along with His obedience, has ordered the obedience of those in authority (Ameer) in the Qur'an. Refer Nisaa'." - Ihtimaam-wa-Shura - Hazrat Ml.Masihullah (R); p.12
Is it necessary to obey the order of the Ameer in all matters so long as it does not contravene the Shari'ah?
Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Sahib's reply:
"It is Waajib (compulsory) to obey the order of the Ameer so long as it is in accordance with Shari'ah and is not an order of sin" - Shura-wa-Ihtimaam by Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Sahib (R); p.71
What is the importance of obeying the Ameer in Islam?
The Ameer occupies a very lofty and respectable position. He has to be obeyed in all lawful matters as long as he does not instruct towards sin and disobedience. Verses of the Holy Qur'an and Ahadith of Nabi (sallallahu-alyhi-wasallam) speak openly and clearly about the importance of the Ameer's position in Islam. Obedience to the Ameer alone will ensure the smooth functioning of the state, the army, any institutions and even the home. Disobedience to the Ameer will result in great anarchy and strife, as is evident from the 'democratic' system of the Western world.
Is it appropriate to expect the Ameer to bow down to individual whims and pressures?
Hazrat Maulana Maseehullah (R) writes:
"To expect the Ameer or head of an institution to submit before the demands of his subordinates is unreasonable and wrong. Instead of trying to rectifying the Ameer, it is better for the subordinates to be concerned about their own islaah. Every form of opposition or clash with the Ameer or head must necessarily be avoided." - Ihtimaam-
wa-Shura by Hazrat Maulana Masihullah Sahib (R); p.57
If for any reason, a subordinate in any institution is unable to have his own way with the Ameer or head, what is he supposed to do?
"If a subordinate cannot get along with his ameer, then with grace, dignity and in a respectful manner, without showing any hostility or animosity or any evil intention of causing harm, such a person should leave the institution." Ihtimaam-wa-Shura by Hazrat Maulana Masihullah Sahib (R); p.57
What is the main cause for the corruption of the Ummah?
Hazrat Maulana Masihullah (R) writes:
"The primary cause of the corruption of the Ummah is the rejection of the ways of the pious elders of the past and disobedience to the Ameer. It is therefore very important to hold fast to the obedience of the Ameer at all times." Ihtimaam-wa-Shura by Hazrat Maulana Masihullah Sahib (R); p.73
Does the Ameer have the power to dismiss any of his subordinates from a position without any particular reason?
Yes, an Ameer may dismiss his subordinates without any reason or merely on the basis of some future fears or misgivings with regard to such a person as is evident from the incident of Hazrat Umar (RA) and his dismissal of Habis bin Sa'd Tai' (RA) merely on the basis of a dream - Shura-wa-Ihtimaam by Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Sahib (R); p.44/45
Is it advisable to give a post to a person who hankers after positions, titles, etc.?
Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Sahib (R)'s reply to this:
"The person who hankers after positions or asks for a position is not deserving of it. Hazrat Abu Musa (RA) says I and two men form my tribe came to Rasulullah (sallallahu-alayhi-wa- sallam) and each one of them requested a position of power to which Rasulullah (sallallahu- alayhi-wasallam) replied that we do not give positions to
those who are desirous of them nor to those who ask for them. This greed and quest for position is a very undesirable practice, and such a person's end result in Qiyamah will be a bad one - Shura-wa-Ihtimaam by Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Sahib (R); p.90
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