Rabu, 13 April 2011

Profile of Moulana Ilyaas Ahmad Bayat Shaheed

Profile of Moulana Ilyaas Ahmad Bayat Shaheed

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: “To Allah belongs what He has given, and to Him belongs what He has taken. Everything has an appointed time by Him. Therefore adopt patience and have hope for reward”

In the infinite wisdom of Allah Ta’ala, the appointed time for Moulana Ilyas Ahmad Bayat Shaheed (RA) was 15 Jumadus Thani 1428/ Friday 20 June 2008. At the appointed time, Allah Ta’ala crowned his short, pious life with the crown of Shahadat (martyrdom). He was martyred in his home in Isipingo Beach on the night of Friday at approximately 8:45 p.m. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raaji’oon. May Allah Ta’ala make his maghifirah and grant him the loftiest position in Jannah. Aameen. Hereunder follows a short biography of him.


Moulana commenced his initial studies by his grandfather, Hajee Ismail Bayat Marhoom. Here he learnt the naazirah of the Qur’aan as well obtained his basic maktab ta’leem. Thereafter he commenced his hifz by Moulana Shabeer Asmaal Sb (db) at Musjid-e-Noor (Mallinson Road) and completed it by Moulana Ahmad Chohan Sb (db) in Greytown. He then proceeded to Umzinto for one year where he did his dhor (revision of the Qur’aan) by Qari Ismail Desai Saheb (db).

After completing his dhor he commenced the Aalim Faadhil course at Madrasah Taleemuddeen, Isipingo Beach. During his study years he was an exemplary student. He dedicated himself to his studies and was among the top students of his class. Upon graduation he studied takhassus fil fiqh for one year at the Madrasah under the auspices of the principal, Hadhrat Mufti Ebraaheem Salehjee Saheb (db). During this time he also completed the Qiraat e Sabah course at the Madrasah under Qari Dawood Randerah Sahib (db).


In the first two years of his teaching career, Moulana Ilyas taught several subjects to the Aalim course students at Madrasah Taleemuddeen. Thereafter due to the need of the time, he made a major sacrifice and dedicated himself full-time to the Ta’limi Board (Jamiatul Ulama KZN). In this time he assisted with admin duties and also taught Qur’an and Tajweed to students undertaking the Imaam Khatieb course at the Madrasah.

For four years Moulana supervised the makaatib in Umlazi and rendered an excellent service to the people of the area. Almost all the Muslims in Umlazi knew him and had a special place in their hearts for him. He also served the community of Chatsworth, Unit Two as well as supervised the maktab at Reservoir Hills.

Every Tuesday Moulana conducted an adult class in Austerville. In this programme he lectured on different topics relating to Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and Seerah. He was also on the Jamiat Jumuah roster through which he delivered lectures in the Masaajid around Durban.

Among his great contributions to the Ta’limi Board was through his assistance to the publications department. The book “Tasheelul Ahaadith wal Akhlaaq” was largely compiled by Moulana himself. His last work was a book titled “Remedial Qaidah.” It is a primer for pupils who have commenced reciting the Qur’aan but still have difficulty understanding some basic concepts. (This book will be printed soon, Insha Allah.)

Islaahi Ta’alluq

Moulana established his islaahi ta’alluq with his ustaadh, Hadhrat Mufti Ebraaheem Salehjee Saheb (daamat barakaatuhum) while still studying. For many years he spent Ramadhaan in i’tikaaf in the company of Hadhrat Mufti Saheb (db) and was very regular at Hadhrat Mufti Saheb’s majlis on Saturdays after Asar.

Noble Qualities

Moulana was an aashiq (lover) of the sunnah. He would always be seen with his amaamah (turban) on his head. On Fridays he was very punctual on reciting durood shareef a thousand times as well as in performing Salaatut Tasbeeh. Whenever he performed the Fajar Salaah on a Friday he would mostly recite the masnoon qiraat (Surah Sajdah and Surah Dahar). He was also seen most of the time performing his salaah with takbeer-e-oola and in the first saff.

During his study days he dedicated himself with much zeal and vigour. Thus he was among the top students of his class. He displayed extraordinary adab and respect for his Asaatiza and eagerly sought opportunities to make their khidmat. Whenever there was an opportunity for khidmat in the Madrasah (to serve guests, help in the Jalsas, etc.) he keenly presented himself. By means of his excellent akhlaaq he took the duas of his Asaatiza and seniors and won the love of all around him.

Moulana was always very humble, always obliging and forever smiling. He was brave and courageous, in fact daring. Yet, he was very soft-hearted and had an extremely forgiving nature. Indeed, he was blessed with tremendous forbearance and patience. He kept ta’lluq and muhabbat with everyone. There was a special love in his heart for the Ulama and he made a point of always visiting the senior Ulama e Kiraam and taking their duas.


At the young age of 27 years he finally bid farewell to this temporary abode and went ahead to meet his Rabb. Just as he was always seen smiling in his life, he also left smiling.

A large gathering including numerous Ulama attended his funeral. His Janazah salaah was led by his Ustaad and Sheikh, Hazrath Mufti Ebrahim Salehjee Saheb. He was finally laid to rest in the Dayal Road Cemetry in Clairwood.

May Allah Ta’ala fill Moulana’s qabar (grave) with noor (effulgence) and grant him the highest stages in Jannah. Aameen.

Reader are requested to make Dua for the deceased.

2 komentar:

  1. cerita maualana ini sangat bermanfaat bagi ku. makasih banget !!!

  2. FranklCuppernell22631 Desember 2013 pukul 21.05

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