Berikut ini adalah Kumpulan Cerita Berbahasa Inggris, silakan baca di bawah ini :
Nasreddin was walking home alone. The evening was coming and it was getting darker. Nasreddin thought it was the time for a Moslem to take a pray. So he looked for some water to wash his face. Unfortunately, he only found a well near the street.
He looked into it to see whether there was any water. He was very surprised to see that the moon was there. Actually, it was the shadow of the moon.He thought that the moon was lost in the well. And, therefore, he thought it was very dangerous because the night would be completely dark.
"I have to save the moon," he thought, "If I don't, it will stay there and the whole world will be dark this night."
Then he looked for a pole but he could not find any. Instead, he only found a long rope. He held one end of the rope and dropped the other one into the well.
"Hold the rope firmly and I will pull you up," he said.
Unfortunately, the rope got entangled with a big stone in the bottom of the well. So, Nasreddin had to work hard to pull the rope up. He thought that he pulled the moon. He could hardly pull the rope with the stone. When the stone was about to come near the lip of the well, it fell down again to the bottom of the well. Because he lost his balance, Nasreddin fell backward with the rope in his hands. At that time he saw the moon was shining in the sky.
Nasreddin smiled happily and said, "Finally I can save you. Now the whole world will not be dark any longer."
bahasa inggisnya mudah dipahami, mantap...
BalasHapussaya agak malu-malu praktek conversation dengan lewat cerita.
BalasHapussurprise buat saya bs mengunjungu blog anda,,saya sudah usia 30an tahun,,saya ingin sekali belajar bahasa inggris tp saya malu untuk kursus,,mengingat usia saya. saya sudah lama mencari info kursus online tp mereka rata2 harus punya syarat yg macam2,,tp setelah menemukan blog anda saya jadi sering buka,,,terima kasih,,semoga anda mendapat amalan ilmu yang berlimpah dari Allah..amin
pokonya saya belajar terus biar bisa sekolah ke luar negeri
BalasHapussaya tidak pernah lagi takut berbicara bahasa inggris dengan siapa pun.