'Ghousul-Waqt', 'Khatimal Akaabir', Abul-Fadl Shams ud-Din, Sayyad Sha Ale 'Ahmad Ach'che miya 'alayhir al-rahman was born on the 28th Ramadan 1160 Hijri in Mahrerah Shareef, U.P. India. He was the eldest son of Sayyad Shah Hamza al-Qadiri al-Barakaati 'alayhir al-rahman and a Sayyad (a direct descendent of the Beloved Messenger of Allah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa sallam). His ancestors migrated from Madina t'ul Munawwarah to Iraq because of political harassment. Later, they moved to the Indo-Pak sub-continent, where the elders of the family settled in Mahrerah.
Shah Ach'che miya 'alayhir al-rahman undertook his entire external shari'ah and spiritual training under the guidance of his noble father Shah Hamza al-Qadiri al-Barakaati 'alayhir al-rahman. It is also mentioned by his family members that Sayyad Sha Ale' Ahmad Ach'che Mia 'alayhir al-rahman resembled al Ghawth al A'zam Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu in physical outlook.
He also studied medicine [hikmat] from the then celebrated physician, Hakim Nasrullah. Hundreds of patients came to him to be cured. The medication was mostly leaves from ordinary trees. This simple medication was successfully used to cure any common or complicated sickness. Curing the sick was a special gift of Almighty Allah bestowed upon Him. This was one of his many karamat (miracles). He was a very devout sufi and performed some of the most strenuous forms of devotion in the path of sulook. He was a master of habse kabeer (to engross oneself so intensely in Zikr-Allah that the saalik only breathes twice in 24 hours). He also regularly practised salaatul makoos (to be hung upside down, tied with ropes to the feet and perform salaah). All sunnah and nafil duties were strictly performed by him daily. Even from the age of 10, he never missed his tahajjud salaah [night prayer].
His biggest academic contribution was the compilation of a master-piece, "Ah'een-e-Ahmadi", in 34 bulky volumes. The uniqueness of these volumes is that they consist of every science of knowledge known to man on earth. This alone will tell us of the depth of his comprehensive knowledge. Some of his other known works :
1. Bayaade Amal wa Mah'mool
2. Adaab-us-Salikeen
3. Mathnawi - Poetry in Tasawwuf
4. Dewaane Ash'aar (in Persian)
Many of his karamat are recorded, one such is ;
It is recorded in "Aa'thar-e-Ahmadi" that once a young man came to Mahrerah Shareef from Bukhara (Russia) to visit Sayyad Ach'che Miya 'alayhir al-rahman. He first went to the masjid and offered zuhr salaah. Thereafter, he humbled himself at the feet of the Shaykh and said: "Your Holiness! I heard of you and travelled a long way to meet you. I am a very weak servant of Almighty Allah and do not possess the strength and courage to make strenuous mujahidah (spiritual devotion). I have come to you for divine blessings so that I may achieve this enormous gift without any effort and struggle".
On hearing this, the spiritual master smiled and said: "You wish to achieve such great wealth in so little time". One of the disciples present, remarked: "Do you think that this is some type of sweet that can just be placed into the mouth and eaten!" The murshid-e-kaamil was displeased with this remark and reprimanded the disciple by saying: "Nothing is impossible in the Qudrat of Almighty Allah". He then taught the young man a specific Durood Shareef with necessary instructions and ordered him to recite it at night. The same night the devotee obeyed all instructions and began the recital in seclusion. Suddenly, he experienced a state of spiritual upliftment. He was blessed with the ziyarat of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa sallam. This vision was not spiritual but physical. Early the next morning, he immediately went to the murshid-e-kaamil and cried: "Subhan-Allah! Last night I met Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa sallam who said to me, 'In every century there will be a person in my Ummah who will revive my Deen'. Hence, O Master! Verily in this century, you are that eminent personality."
Just by the prescription of a single Durood Shareef and personally rendering his spiritual guidance, this grand master, in a short period of time without mujahidah, led a disciple to spiritual perfection. It is said that mujahidah is the most difficult science in the mystical path of sulook. According to the exalted mystics, it takes a minimum of 80 consecutive years of absolute devotion to reach this stage. But here the blessings of this august wali [saint] of Almighty Allah, condensed a long period of 80 years to less that 80 moments!
Ghousal-Waqt, Murshid-e-Kabeer 'alayhir al-rahman was married and had one son and a daughter. The son, as ordained by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, passed away at a very young age. He was born a Wali and whatever he said became a reality. His daughter also passed away when she was an infant.
He had thousands of murids and many khulafa. There are also numerous devotees that lived at the khanqah undertaking spiritual training of sulook. He also cared for hundreds of poor and destitute. He adopted his nephew, Khatimul Akabir Shah Ale' Rasool Ahmadi 'alayhir al-rahman as his son. Sayyad Shah Ale' Ahmad Ach'che miya was the fourth succeeding Qutb [pole] of the Barakaati Silsila and Sayyad Shah Ale' Rasool, his successor, was the fifth Qutbul-Waqt. Khatimul Akabir was the 'Pir-o-Murshid' of A'la Hadrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri 'alayhir al-rahman.
Sayyad Shah Ale' Ahmad Ach'che miya al-Qadiri Barakaati 'alayhir al-rahmanpeacefully left this mundane world at the age of 75 in the morning of 25 Rabbi-ul-Awwal Shareef 1235 Hijri.
Shah Ach'che miya 'alayhir al-rahman undertook his entire external shari'ah and spiritual training under the guidance of his noble father Shah Hamza al-Qadiri al-Barakaati 'alayhir al-rahman. It is also mentioned by his family members that Sayyad Sha Ale' Ahmad Ach'che Mia 'alayhir al-rahman resembled al Ghawth al A'zam Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu in physical outlook.
He also studied medicine [hikmat] from the then celebrated physician, Hakim Nasrullah. Hundreds of patients came to him to be cured. The medication was mostly leaves from ordinary trees. This simple medication was successfully used to cure any common or complicated sickness. Curing the sick was a special gift of Almighty Allah bestowed upon Him. This was one of his many karamat (miracles). He was a very devout sufi and performed some of the most strenuous forms of devotion in the path of sulook. He was a master of habse kabeer (to engross oneself so intensely in Zikr-Allah that the saalik only breathes twice in 24 hours). He also regularly practised salaatul makoos (to be hung upside down, tied with ropes to the feet and perform salaah). All sunnah and nafil duties were strictly performed by him daily. Even from the age of 10, he never missed his tahajjud salaah [night prayer].
His biggest academic contribution was the compilation of a master-piece, "Ah'een-e-Ahmadi", in 34 bulky volumes. The uniqueness of these volumes is that they consist of every science of knowledge known to man on earth. This alone will tell us of the depth of his comprehensive knowledge. Some of his other known works :
1. Bayaade Amal wa Mah'mool
2. Adaab-us-Salikeen
3. Mathnawi - Poetry in Tasawwuf
4. Dewaane Ash'aar (in Persian)
Many of his karamat are recorded, one such is ;
It is recorded in "Aa'thar-e-Ahmadi" that once a young man came to Mahrerah Shareef from Bukhara (Russia) to visit Sayyad Ach'che Miya 'alayhir al-rahman. He first went to the masjid and offered zuhr salaah. Thereafter, he humbled himself at the feet of the Shaykh and said: "Your Holiness! I heard of you and travelled a long way to meet you. I am a very weak servant of Almighty Allah and do not possess the strength and courage to make strenuous mujahidah (spiritual devotion). I have come to you for divine blessings so that I may achieve this enormous gift without any effort and struggle".
On hearing this, the spiritual master smiled and said: "You wish to achieve such great wealth in so little time". One of the disciples present, remarked: "Do you think that this is some type of sweet that can just be placed into the mouth and eaten!" The murshid-e-kaamil was displeased with this remark and reprimanded the disciple by saying: "Nothing is impossible in the Qudrat of Almighty Allah". He then taught the young man a specific Durood Shareef with necessary instructions and ordered him to recite it at night. The same night the devotee obeyed all instructions and began the recital in seclusion. Suddenly, he experienced a state of spiritual upliftment. He was blessed with the ziyarat of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa sallam. This vision was not spiritual but physical. Early the next morning, he immediately went to the murshid-e-kaamil and cried: "Subhan-Allah! Last night I met Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa sallam who said to me, 'In every century there will be a person in my Ummah who will revive my Deen'. Hence, O Master! Verily in this century, you are that eminent personality."
Just by the prescription of a single Durood Shareef and personally rendering his spiritual guidance, this grand master, in a short period of time without mujahidah, led a disciple to spiritual perfection. It is said that mujahidah is the most difficult science in the mystical path of sulook. According to the exalted mystics, it takes a minimum of 80 consecutive years of absolute devotion to reach this stage. But here the blessings of this august wali [saint] of Almighty Allah, condensed a long period of 80 years to less that 80 moments!
Ghousal-Waqt, Murshid-e-Kabeer 'alayhir al-rahman was married and had one son and a daughter. The son, as ordained by Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, passed away at a very young age. He was born a Wali and whatever he said became a reality. His daughter also passed away when she was an infant.
He had thousands of murids and many khulafa. There are also numerous devotees that lived at the khanqah undertaking spiritual training of sulook. He also cared for hundreds of poor and destitute. He adopted his nephew, Khatimul Akabir Shah Ale' Rasool Ahmadi 'alayhir al-rahman as his son. Sayyad Shah Ale' Ahmad Ach'che miya was the fourth succeeding Qutb [pole] of the Barakaati Silsila and Sayyad Shah Ale' Rasool, his successor, was the fifth Qutbul-Waqt. Khatimul Akabir was the 'Pir-o-Murshid' of A'la Hadrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri 'alayhir al-rahman.
Sayyad Shah Ale' Ahmad Ach'che miya al-Qadiri Barakaati 'alayhir al-rahmanpeacefully left this mundane world at the age of 75 in the morning of 25 Rabbi-ul-Awwal Shareef 1235 Hijri.
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