Rabu, 13 April 2011

Shah Abul Ghaus al-Faruqi

Shah Abul Ghaus Gharam Diwan al-Bhirivi al-Faruqi [d.1178H/1764CE] 'alayhi al-rahmah wa'l-ridwan

Within 700 years in the Eastern part of Uttar Pradesh, (India) a large number of Ulema and Masha'ikh served and spread both, Islam and Islamic Knowledge, and became the beloved of Allah Almighty. Amongst them, Hadrat Shah Abul Ghaus Gharam Divan al-Bhirivi al-Lauhravi and Hadrat Mullah Mehmood al-Jaunpuri Allah be pleased with them are two such great personalities.

Hadrat Mawlana Shah Abul Ghaus 'Gharam Divan' al-Faruqi [d.1178 H] was a renowned sufi and a very famous scholar of his time. Such was Shah Abul Ghaus al-Faruqi's spiritual standing amongst his contemporaries that he also earned the title of 'Mahboob ar Rahman'. His legacy continued with his son Mawlana Shah Hafiz Abu Is'haq [d.1234 H] who also also a great scholar in his time. As Shah Abul Ghaus al-Faruqi's title  suggests he was a direct descendent of Amir al Momineen Hadrat Umar al Farooq Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu. With such a distinguished pedigree, his fathers and forefathers were naturally remarkable scholars and masha'ikh from which the following Islamic scholars and spiritual leaders descended:

Shaykh Khizr Faruqi, his son Shaykh Muhammad Faruqi, and his son Shaykh Mushayyid Faruqi, also Shaykh Abu Sa'id Faruqi, his son Shaykh Abul Khayr Faruqi and finally Hadrat Abul Ghaus Gharam Divan al-Faruqi.

A historian writes about them that ;

1.  In the kingdom and period of Sultan Ibrahim Shah Sharki, Shaykh Khizr Faruqi and his son Shaykh Muhammad came to Jaunpur from Delhi. When Shaykh Muhammad passed away, Sultan Ibrahim Sharki gave Waleed Pur village (at Pargana Muhamadabaad), to Shaykh Mushayyid Faruqi. Therefore all members of the family came to this village from Jaunpur. Mawlana Shah Abu Sa'id and his son Maulana Shah Abul Khayr, Shah Ismail, Kazi Manjhan (Kazi Jaunpur), Shaykh Bar'e, Mawlana Shah Abul Ghaus Gharam Divan and Mawlana Shah Abu Is'haaq were extraordinarily religious. The lamp of this generation, Hadrat Mullah Mehmood Jaunpuri is very famous. This family is superior in knowledge, dignity, spiritualism, guidance and miracle powers. (Dayar-e-purab mein ilm aur ulema, pgs 288-289).

2.  Mawlana Shah Haji Abul Khayr, son of Shah Abu Sa'id Faruqi Bhirivi wrote a book during Hajj. His book contains four chapters and in the 3rd chapter he mentioned family details from Jaunpur to Muhamadabaad and of Hadrat Umar Faruqi's Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu generation, including details of the Faruqi family. (pg 289)

3.  Mawlana Shah Abul Khayr Faruqi was eight years older than Mullah Mehmood. His unprinted work is present in Da'ira shah ajmal, Allahbaad. (Page 210)

4.  Mawlana Ghulam Ali Azaad Belgram writes in his book, 'Sajjattul Marjaan' (in Arabic), 'that undoubtedly there are two matchless ''Faruqi's'' in India;

a) MUJADDID ALIF THANI SIRHINDI [d.1034H] alayhir al rahman in tariqah and ma'rifa'a (knowledge of mysteries and secrets) and,

b) Mullah Mehmood in knowledge of logic, philosophy and literature. (pg 294)


Ancestors of Hadrat Abul Ghaus al-Faruqi 'alayhi al-rahmah wa'l-ridwan

Hadrat Abul Ghaus Faruqi s/o
Shah Muhammad s/o
Shah Abul Khayr s/o
Shah Abu Sa'id s/o
Shah Ma'aruf s/o
Shah Uthman s/o
Shah Maah s/o
Shah Chaand s/o
Shah Ma'aruf s/o
Shah Mushayyid s/o
Shah Muhammad s/o
Shah Khizr s/o
Shah Giyas al-Din s/o
Shah Taj al-Din s/o
Shah Izz 'al-Din s/o
Shah Abu Faw'aris Sulayman Shah s/o
Numan Shah s/o
Sultan Ahmad Faruq Shah s/o
Amir Masud s/o
Mawlana Wa'iz Asghar s/o
Mawlana Wa'iz Akbar s/o
Abul Fatah s/o
Imam Is'haaq s/o
Imam Salem s/o
Hadrat Abdullah s/o
Hadrat Umar al-Faruq Radi Allahu ta'ala anhu 

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